<% '留言板IP限制程序 dim ips ips = left(Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR"),15) response.write ips IpLists = "127.0.|" function isForbid(sip) dim Iplist,Iparr,Ipi Iplist = "|"& IpLists &"|" ' Iparr = split(Iplist,"|") '生成数组 for Ipi = 0 to ubound(Iparr) '循环查找数组IP if len(Iparr(Ipi)) > 0 and instr("|" & sip,"|" & Iparr(Ipi)) > 0 then isForbid = true exit function end if next isForbid = false end function if isForbid(ips) then Response.write "<p align=""center"">你没有留言的权限</p>" else response.write "aaaaaaaaaa" end if '验证两次留言时间间隔 方法 01 'PostIntervalTime = 5*60 '同一个IP多长时间可以留一次言,单位是秒,5分钟可以用5*60表示,不限制请设置为0 PostIntervalTime = 1*60 if int(PostIntervalTime) > 0 then newDate = Dateadd("s",int(PostIntervalTime)*-1,Now) Set rs = conn.execute("select top 1 ip from qwbmbook where ip = '"& fixsql(ip) &"' and time > #"& newDate &"#") if not (rs.eof and rs.bof) then set rs = nothing conn.close set conn = nothing 'er "请不要频繁留言,请等分钟"& int(PostIntervalTime/60) &"留言!","" end if set rs = nothing end if %>